Published: 31 January 2019 > Indonesia

(long time OBR Bali/ Indonesia organizers)

*SERUNI is a national alliance of grassroots women and women’s organizations in Indonesia fighting for the rights and liberation of Indonesia women and people, particularly marginalized women. Their members are farmworker women, migrant women, women workers, and students.

One Billion Rising 2019
Rise ! Resist! Unite! 

One in three women around the world will face violence in her life time, physical, psychological or sexual.

According to data from National Women Comission (2018), in Indonesia every two hours three women were raped. According to data from Religious Court (2017) there is 335.062 is violence experienced by women in the household which leads to divorce.

In the village, peasant women to this day still face wage discrimination, discrimination of land control and discrimination to control of natural resource. Domination of large scale corporation in the fields of mining, plantations, and agriculture which also as a large landlords and obtains capital finance from imperialist countries that have monopolized land and natural resource ownership.

In the city, women workers work in poor working conditions and receiving low wages . many women workers have not fulfilled their democratic rights and work in unsafe condition. Prone to physical violence and sexual violence.

In campus, female students also facing sexual harassment by teaching staff and inappropriate campus facilities.

Feudal patriarchal and imperialist making women as a ‘victim’ of the crisis they created themselves. 9 million Indonesian women are exported aboard to produce remittances.

Every February on V-Day and 8 March on International Women’s Day, SERUNI is at forefront of campaigning on issue of violence against women and children and become the leading sector to garner the unity of grassroots and civil society organitations to rise through dance and cultural performance. Expressing the fact that women are no longer silent, women are no longer just become a jewelry in the house. But, we rise to show that we have determined our future. The future for women’s liberation.

This year, in the calling OBR 2019 Campaign “Rising: From A Campaign, To A Way Of Life”. SERUNI will be holding a “Campus Rising” campaign in Udayana University a State University in Bali, located in Denpasar.


10 December 2018 
Launched OBR 2019 

SERUNI chapter Udayana University in Denpasar, National Student Front (FMN) chapter Udayana University In Denpasar, National Student Front (FMN) chapter Mahasaraswati University in Denpasar, PEMBARU Indonesia, National Democratic Student Union chapter Udayana, UKM Cakrawala Udayana University, Papuan Student Alliance, For Banyuwangi, UKM Libera Literasi Udayana University, UKM Kesenian Udayana University.

16 December 2018 
The Feminine Rise 

SERUNI chapther Udayana, OBR International

14 Febuary 2019 
V Day/ OBR Rising Day

SERUNI chapter Udayana University, National Student Front chapter Udayana University, National Student Front chapter Mahasaraswati University, PEMBARU Indonesia, National Democratic Student Union chapter Udayana, UKM Cakrawala Udayana, Papuan Student Alliance, UKM Kesenian Udayana and more

8 March 2019 
International Women Day/ OBR

SERUNI, SPM (Labor Union) Bali, PEMBARU Indonesia, FMN Chapter Udayana University , SDMN Chapter Udayana, FMN Chapter Mahasaraswati University, UKM Kesenian Udayana, UKM Cakrawala Udayana, Papuan Student Alliance and more