Rise4justice Petition: Kits de Emergencia en todos los Centros de Salud del País para los casos de Violencia Sexual a Niñas y Mujeres, para prevenir embarazos no deseados y la infección por VIH

Published: 22 January 2014

  With less than a month until we RISE for justice, V-Activists and Global Coordinators worldwide are writing petitions on Change.org to garner support for their visions of justice. We encourage you to read how women around the world are confronting injustices in their community, support these causes by signing the…

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Rise4justice Petition: Formación en género ineludible para magistrados y magistradas por el caso MM

Published: 21 January 2014

With less than a month until we RISE for justice, V-Activists and Global Coordinators worldwide are writing petitions on Change.org to garner support for their visions of justice. We encourage you to read how women around the world are confronting injustices in their community, support these causes by signing the petition,…

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RISE4JUSTICE Petition: Calling on the leaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to implement and/or amend marital rape laws and build more safe spaces/shelters (1 per parish).

Published: 15 January 2014

With less than a month until we RISE for justice, V-Activists and Global Coordinators worldwide are writing petitions on Change.org to garner support for their visions of justice. We encourage you to read how women around the world are confronting injustices in their community, support these causes by signing the petition,…

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