It was a very intense day here in the Nippes, but wonderful First we started with Carribean radio (nr 1 in the Nippes), than the spot (many thanks to those who had prepared it) was diffused at a local television nameTOP. We had 2 gigs – the first one in the middle of…
Read MoreIn preparation for February 14th and V-Day’s One Billion Rising campaign the girls of Siloe are sharing their artwork and words and RISING for JUSTICE. V-DAY is calling on people globally to harness their power and imagination to dance and #rise4justice. The Center for the Arts supports the efforts of…
Read MoreIn the new year …. let’s RISE UP for justice in Haiti Dans la nouvelle année… RELEVONS nous pour la justice en Haiti Nan ane a nouvo …ANN Leve pou jistis ann Ayiti The One Billion Rising for Justice campaign launched this weekend in Haiti and we haven’t stopped rising all…
Read MoreGirls from the Haitian arts program called Center for the Arts, Port au Prince were in attendance on Sunday 19 January, for the One Billion Rising in Haiti kick-off event. The girls traveled from their homes in Siloe to screen a video about their work and join the campaign for JUSTICE. WATCH the video and find…
Read MoreActivists in Haiti are setting the stage for 14 February, 2014 with the release of their Top 20 Actions to Rise for Justice & Fight Sexual Violence in Haiti Follow the RISING in Haiti on Facebook at Download a PDF of the Action List here and RISE4JUSTICE on 14 Feb, 2014!
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