
Our Risings Toolkit offers detailed information about organizing Risings. From February through April, independently organized artistic uprisings – or Risings – take place globally to stop violence against women and girls (cisgender and transgender), gender expansive people, and the planet.

These Risings utilize a variety of creative mediums—dance, song, theater, poetry, film, visual art, and more—to illuminate the intersectional stories of gender-based violence, survival, and resistance. Held in community venues, on college campuses, or in public spaces, Risings provoke thought, stir the heart and imagination, and incite action.

Each year, people are invited to create a Rising connected to the One Billion Rising campaign and also related issues in their local community. Participants can utilize artistic tools created by One Billion Rising, such as songs and choreography, OBR videos and documentaries, or share work by local artists. Also just out, V-Day’s newest artistic piece – VOICES: A Sacred Sisterscape Audio Play. These events can also be spaces for collective art creation.

Risings Toolkit

View digitally or download as a pdf: (english) (spanish/español)

Campus Risings Guide

This Campus Rising Guide shares information and resources specific to organizing a Rising on college campuses, including sections on planning a Rising, outreach strategies, and educational resources.

View digitally or download as a pdf