Amy Oyekunle, Executive Director of Kudirat Initiative for Democracy in Lagos and One Billion Rising global coordinator for Nigeria, along with local students created this important video calling for global solidarity and action to #BringBackOurGirls this Sunday, 11 May (Mother’s Day in the U.S. and other countries).
The Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND) is a non-governmental organization that works to strengthen organizations and create initiatives dedicated to the advancement of girls and women. Amy is a gender and development consultant, feminist researcher and facilitator with experience of working with community based organizations in Africa. She has extensive experience in designing and implementing programmes on violence against women and girls and women in political participation. Amy is a long-time V-Day activist who brought The Vagina Monologues to Lagos starting in 2006. She joined 36 V-Day activists in Kenya in 2012 for the V-Day Africa Rising Summit at which lasting bonds and friendships were made, all of whom are joining Amy as united women and men in this campaign.