Source: Innabuyog Gabriela Youth UP Baguio

Innabuyog Gabriela Youth UP Baguio (IGY-UPB) leads the OBR launch last “Salakniban 2024. One Billion Rising (OBR), is a global campaign that heeds the call of ending all forms of violence against women, based on a UN statistic that 1 in 3 women worldwide has experienced abuse in their lifetime.

In Cordillera, peasant and rural women face various forms of violence, including state-perpetuated attacks that threaten their land, life, and dignity. Alongside this, women human rights defenders face relentless challenges as they courageously stand against oppression, advocating for justice, sustainable livelihoods, and the protection of ancestral lands, despite the risks to their safety and freedom.

This IDEVAW 2024, IGY-UPB calls for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence and oppression. As a collective of one billion, we rise to defend our rights, uphold our dignity, and demand justice and freedom from all forms of violence against women.

(The word “Salakniban” comes from the Ilokano word “Salaknib” which means “to protect”. Every year, University of the Philippines Baguio holds an annual event called “Salakniban” which recognizes student organizations and formations, and aims to protect the students’ right to assemble and organize.)
