Let’s Rise

Published: 7 November 2018


As we write, One Billion Rising activists in Italy, Mexico, Australia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia, and Cameroon are planning One Billion Rising launch events to take place during the international 16 Days of Activism, between 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and 10 December, Human Rights Day.

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In response to our political climate, the prominence of fascist and misogynistic leaders, and the urgency to work together to assure a better future for all, OBR and V-Day activists are working to amplify the voices of women everywhere and centralize the most marginalized through Risings and other acts of creative resistance. Through this work, communities across the globe are harnessing the power of the movement to create a space for critical conversations, representation, and necessary change and shed light on the connection between gender-based violence and political instability, armed conflict, xenophobia, unsafe working conditions, transphobia, homophobia, and racism.

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TESTIMONIES OF RISING: Activists are amplifying and lifting up the often unheard and excluded voices of survivors, activists and groups in their communities by creating three Testimonies of RISING, to be performed by formerly incarcerated women and community leaders. At a time when migrant women are being detained and the prison industrial complex continues to expand, formerly incarcerated women are taking center stage to bring attention to the elevated violence and disproportionate socio-political marginalization they face.

Rising Testimonies can cover a range of topics—gender and sexuality, identity, the changing socio-political climate, any issue specific to the community at hand. These testimonies will be part of V-Day’s 2019 global Spotlight campaign on Women in Prisons and Jails, Detention Centers, and Formerly Incarcerated Women, created in collaboration with formerly incarcerated women and activists. For more information, including guidelines and production notes, visit HERE.

Women at the City of Joy in Congo are turning their pain to power, developing women’s leadership and agency over their destiny. With women at the forefront of change, activists are screening the CITY OF JOY documentary on their college campuses and in communities, holding talkbacks afterward with local leaders and expanding the conversation in their communities.

We look forward to seeing the multitude of ways women will come together and RISE.


Plan a RISING, a V-Day, or a CITY OF JOY screening or house party in your college or community.

V-Day: Say It, Stage It – Produce a V-Day Benefit as an Artistic Uprising at your college/university, in your community
One Billion RISING: Rise In Solidarity – RISE in your community, for your community
City of Joy: Turn Pain to Power – Screen the Documentary, Support the Women in DR Congo

When women take to the streets and the stage incredible things happen, as their issues are voiced and confronted for all to see and hear.

#RiseResistUnite #1BillionRising #UntilTheViolenceStops #TurnPainIntoPower