The Center for Equity and Inclusion (CEQUIN) recently organized a flash-mob in the courtyard of one of the most popular malls in Delhi, Select CITYWALK. For approximately two hours, more than 50 students danced to ‘Break the Chain’. 

The energy that these young women and men brought to their dancing was inspiring. Many of them had memorized the lyrics and were singing as they danced. And, the audience could not help but dance and sing along with them. 

This work is transformative for both those who participate and those who watch. The students who participated in the flash-mob are in their formative years. Engaging them on issues of violence against women and girls now can significantly contribute to the formation of healthy relationships both now and in the future. Moreover, the young people of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. If we can encourage them to champion the elimination of violence against women and girls now, a brighter future lies ahead for all of us. In addition, the audience was engaged throughout the students’ performance. They were videotaping the dance, asking us what the One Billion Rising Revolution was, and humming and dancing themselves. This sort of engagement is crucial for movement-building. It enables those who watch to understand that silence about violence against women and girls is a thing of the past; that young women and young men care about this issue; and that the movement to eliminate violence against women and girls is here to stay and that their engagement in it will be welcomed with open arms. 



