In Pakistan 50 banners, which read “RISING FOR AN INCLUSIVE AND PEACEFUL PAKISTAN”, are being sent out to 26 districts across the country, where activists are writing their messages of peace, love, tolerance, equality on the banners and sending them back to be displayed all together in Islamabad on the 14th. They are also preparing several musical events including a collaboration with the MenUnite campaign, organizing a Pushto traditional music program, which will be used to give a message to end violence, abuse and discrimination in the name of culture and religion and the broadcast of South Asia Global Coordinator Kamla Bhasin’s song Milkar hum nachenge gayenge (Together, we will dance and sing),  translated into four languages – Pashto, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi to be aired on various radio stations.



Flyer OBR_pak

In Sri Lanka, six feminist activists have learned to play local RISING songs on the traditional Tamil drums and will drum in the revolution on Kalladi beach in Batticaloa. They will be accompanied by local singers and all the participants and audience members will be encouraged to draw sand drawings under the guidance of a local artist from the men for gender equality group.

Rising in Batticaloa