Now, more than ever before, we are seeing youth movements from all over the world take radical stands against the dominant politics and unjust systems that favor the ruling elite, against governments, against corporations that they see as major obstructions to their rights and future. Youth Risings today are seeing a bigger demand for social and political changes that directly impact their future. In Kenya, the youth are rising and boldly proclaiming their right to a future free of violence, discrimination and inequality.
A young activist in Kenya expresses the fearless and fierce persistence and incredible bravery of the youth movement in Kenya as they RISE for their future.
By Simaton Kamaamia
The ongoing youth uprising in Kenya sources from various factors. These factors include political, social and economic factors. We as the youth feel like the government isn’t committed to its duty which is to represent the interests of the people but instead the government stands for the interest of the people within the government (Shareholders). So much arrogance from leaders within the government has caused agitation in the youth. Elected representatives look down on the people who put them there.The government is like the little horn that John the revelator talks of in the book of RevelationIt it has a mouth, the eye and the nose but seems to lack the ears, for it doesn’t want to hear. Protests is the only way to have attention from the government, previous when Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacist and Dentist Union had issues they want to be resolved the government only set-up a dialogue after days of protest and boycott of duty and this is not the only instance. The riots are a means of making the government feel,see and taste the a anger and rage that burns within the youth , the protest was the only way the youths felt the government will be able to given them the needed attention to solve certain issues.The riots are not “anti- government”has it has been termed but it is a “we want a functional government” that has accountability and transparency to solve corruption, economic challenges and political marginalization.
READ more:
Kenya Finance Bill: Gen Z anti-tax revolutionaries – the new faces of protest (BBC)
Kenyan youth-led protests call for sweeping changes in governance (Voice of America)
‘Kenya is not asleep anymore’: Why young protesters are not backing down (Al Jazeera)