The One Billion Rising Revolution Regional Events will focus on the Ebola advocacy in solidarity with our Nigerian sisters and the condemnation of  the violation of Women’s Rights in the name of religion: sexual violence, FGM, early marriage, and rape etc.

The initiation event started with a consultation of various actors across the Gambia with rural women and other relevant stake holders on various issues of VAW & GBV so that together we can rise on the 14 February 2015. Events include:

  • On the 6th February 2015 Zero Tolerance Day, a Press release will be published in the various media houses
  • Brikama women rising against FGM. On the 6th of February over 500 women and men to come together and demand for a law against FGM.
  • On the 14 of February 2015, The Upper Baddibu and Sabach Sanjal Districts will rise to celebrate the lead circumciser who is to make a public speech against FGM and to make a declaration to end FGM
  • Youths coming together to discuss their sexual and reproductive health issues from the Greater Banjul Area.
  • The community radios will engage in discussions to end VAW/GBV in order to reach a wider community for a massive drumming and dancing for our rising revolution.


