This YouTube video of the past week of sexual violence advocacy at the Haiti Carnival in Gonaives. There, we presented a “Leve Jistis” (Lift Justice) Mardi Gras float that put a national spotlight on sexual violence prevention and women’s and girls’ rights, and invited men to engage as leaders in this fight. The float and our prevention activities were done with the active participation of Gonaives women’s and youth groups, male allies, Haiti’s Ministry of Culture and in alliance with the women’s
We actively promoted KOFAVIV’s 572 rape hotline number and the theme of Lifting Justice for women and girls. These messages reached a national and global audience via media coverage – including many Internet pictures and Twitter tweets!
Haiti reports that two people died at Kanaval (Carnival) – from excessive drinking and a car accident – and an estimated 100 had
injuries, most linked to minor accidents. Overall violence was down, and fewer rapes were reported from Gonaives compared to past Kanavals, according to KOFAVIV, a survivors groups that operates the 24-hour 572 rape hotline. That’s a positive victory for Haiti’s sexual violence and gender rights movement, one we are happy to share on this International Women’s Day, March 8th.
Our 2014 Kanaval campaign officially ends today, but much more work remains. We invite you to join us.
For OBR4J-Haiti,
Anne-christine d’Adesky, Global Coordinator
Co-Director, PotoFanm+Fi