The Risings are upon us! Share the amazing images, sound clips, videos and perspectives across Social Media, and around the world!
While you’re rising, dancing, and releasing on the streets, we want #1BillionRising #rise4justice to be trending online!
Wherever you post, be sure to use the official hashtags, #1BillionRising or #rise4justice. We want to see your photos, videos, hear your sounds, and read your comments.
Twitter user: Please post all your updates using the #1BillionRising or #rise4justice hashtags.
Facebook: Post your photos for your friends and on our wall so we can share them.
Google+ user: Join our One Billion Rising Event and upload your photos directly from your mobile device!
Instagram-er: Be sure to tag your shots #1BillionRising #rise4justice
YouTube star: #1BillionRising #rise4justice
You get the idea. We look forward to seeing you all RISE on 14 February! #1BillionRising #rise4justice