Robert Redford: ‘This is not a women’s issue, it’s a global crisis’Today, the ongoing video series entitled “I Am Rising…” debuts featuring short videos by local activists, artists, actors, and thinkers from around the world. The series coincides with a weeklong print and online video series breaking in London’s
The Guardian newspaper featuring an
exclusive commentary piece by Eve and video testimony from
Jane Fonda, Rosario Dawson, Robert Redford, Fatou Bensouda, Ai-jen Poo, Jane Mukuninwa, MP Stella Creasy, Nicola Adams and
Ruby Wax, with the aim of inspiring women and men around the world to join
With V-Thanks to everyone at The Guardian for this very special series!

Ai-jen Poo: ‘Sometimes women face extreme forms of abuse’
Jane Fonda: ‘My mother was sexually abused’
Rosario Dawson: ‘One in three women will be raped, killed or beaten’
Stella Creasy: ‘I see all too often women who have been let down by the system’
Nicola Adams: ‘Women don’t tend to speak out’
Ruby Wax: ‘I came from that kind of household where the male is a real bully’
Jane Mukuninwa: ‘I can love myself, despite what I’ve been through’
Fatou Bensouda: ‘There are too many victims of violence’Why are YOU rising? SUBMIT an “I Am Rising…” video here >
CHECK OUT the full series on The Guardian >