On the 25th of November, Institute for Young Women Development commemorated the beginning of 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. The event was attended by more than a 300 young women drawn from mining and farming communities (Chiweshe, Mazoe, Chireka, Foothills Farm, Trojan Mine and Chipadze Communities) to celebrate themselves. Young women; being the most affected by gender based violence due to their sex and age, saw it fit to come out in their numbers to show their commitment and solidarity at inter-community level in the fight against gender based violence
According to the research conducted by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs Gender and community Development in 2013, Mashonaland Central (the province in which the commemoration was held) has the highest number of Gender Based Violence cases netting 66% of all reported cases at national level. IYWD has been working on initiatives to curb violence against young women in Bindura for the past 5 years!!! As part of the 5th Celebration of 16days activity young women celebrated themselves on the day through dance, drama and solidarity speeches which aimed at motivating communities to fight GBV.
Dancing ….
Sisters in Solidarity! Speaking out against Violence on Young Women.
In efforts to strengthen their fight to end violence against women, Institute for Young Women’s development will join the globe in rising against violence in 2014. One Billion Rising Coordinator for Zimbabwe Nyasha Sengayi, addressed the young women and urged them to pursue justice. She also made a call for young women to Rise, Release and Dance in their numbers on the 14th of February 2014.
The Call to Rise
Getting ready to Dance for Justice in 2014
Young women also illustrated their experiences through a short drama.