For more on the local RISING in Delhi, visit One Billion Rising Delhi on WordPress
“On Sunday 5 Feb, Delhi ROSE to end violence against women and girls and challenge the systems and structures that perpetuate and sustain this violence. From 12:30 pm to 8 pm, we danced, sang, acted, shouted slogans, and otherwise engaged an audience of thousands of people on a range of issues including caste-based violence, domestic violence, harassment in the workplace and other spaces, capitalist patriarchy, the cosmetic industry, and many others. Domestic workers, garment factory workers, and sex workers spoke about their struggles and activism. The vast majority of the audience was uninitiated to these issues, and this was a meaningful way to begin this dialogue. Looking forward to many more meaningful, creative, and revolutionary Risings in the coming weeks and months!” – Sangat Sangat #OBRDelhi2017 #OneBillionRising