OBR Africa
Online Live discussion on “The Effects of Covid -19 on Women’s Rights Activists in Africa As Front Liners”
4pm (Eswatini time)
With: Colani Hlatjwako (OBR Africa Regional Coordinator)/ Jestina Mukoko (Zimbabwe Peace Project, National Director)/ Lindiwe Makhubo (Beaten But Not Broken, Founding Director)
FB Live: One Billion Rising Eswatini
OBR Indonesia
Zoom webinar on Rural Women Rising for System Change
Guests: V (formerly Eve Ensler/ OBR Founder) and Monique Wilson (OBR Global Director)
8pm (Indonesia time)
OBR South Asia
Rising Gardens Film Festival, Fields of Sorrow, Fields of Hope: 13 films + 9 community videos on women and agriculture screening online from 12th to 14th February (http://www.doculive.in/p/theme-fields-of-sorrow-fields-of-hope.html)
OBR South Asia will have a follow up conversation with the same title tentatively scheduled for Feb 19th live on Facebook on OBR South Asia page: https://www.facebook.com/OneBillionRisingSouthAsia
OBR Davao, Philippines Rising
OBR Dance Protest with multi sectors: Lumad/ women/ youth/ workers/ farmers/ church
Guests: V (formerly Eve Ensler/ Founder of One Billion Rising)/ Monique Wilson (OBR Global Director)
10am (Philippine time)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82595422229?pwd=MVFhdFhGNndsTityOE1zamI0cVJnZz09
Meeting ID: 825 9542 2229
Passcode: 948441
OBR Singapore
Zoom Urban gardening session
11am (Singapore time)
OBR Hong Kong
Main Rising online (led by Domestic and Migrant workers)
2 – 4pm (Hong Kong time)
FB Live: One Billion Rising Revolution Hong Kong
OBR Indonesia
Zoom and FB live online dancing
OBR Cambodia
FB live Youth Rising
2pm (Cambodia time)
FB Live: One Billion Rising Cambodia
OBR Asia – Migrants (Hong Kong/ Macau/ Taiwan/ Singapore)
Speak Out Against Violence Forum
10am (Indonesia time)/ 11am (HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau time)
OBR United Kingdom
Zoom online gathering/sharing of presentation, artistry and celebration hosted by Voice of Domestic Workers
Guests: V (formerly Eve Ensler/ Founder One Billion Rising)/ Monique Wilson (OBR Global Director)/ Lynne Franks/ and UK OBR activists
2:30 – 4pm (UK time)
OBR Italy
Zoom online on “Cultivating A Culture Of Non-violence”
Guests: V (formerly Eve Ensler/ Founder One Billion Rising)/ OBR Italy activists
4pm (Italy time)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82706679714 passcode 1234
OBR Austria
Zoom online Artistic Rising
Guests: V (formerly Eve Ensler/ Founder One Billion Rising)/ Susan Celia Swan (V-Day Executive Director)/ Monique Wilson (OBR Global Director)/ OBR Austria artists and activists
5pm (Austria time)
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
Meeting-ID: 818 4127 7467
Kenncode: yrn7e1
OBR Poland
National online dance protests
1:40pm (Poland time)
via Facebook: https://fb.me/e/FitQxxoH
OBR Mexico
Online Zoom press conference:
To launch “Break The Chain Online Challenge” with star judges. OBR Mexico will join forces with “HortaDIF” and “Inmujeres” to encourage the country to make their own video version of BTC and submit/post it before March 1st. The winner will be announced in an online event March 8th.
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 350 514 7443
Código de acceso: 2021
OBR Asia – Migrants (Hong Kong/ Macau/ Taiwan/ Singapore)
Valentine Migrants Concert
9pm (Indonesia time)/ 10pm (HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau time)
OBR Africa
Africa Women Farmers Rising Zoomm Event
Theme: “Our Land, Our Bodies, Our Resources”
3pm (South Africa time)
FB Live: One Billion Rising Eswatini
OBR Mexico
Webinar (via ZOOM) with heads of the ECOFEMINISM Movement in Mexico. To be named “La visión feminista en México” presided by one of the youngest activism women in the city, Cassandra Gil. In this webinar we will talk deeply about the different ways of living with feminism in Mexico, insofar as it is a discourse of rights.
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 350 514 7443
Código de acceso: 2021