Published: 17 December 2020

November 28, 2020
Shared by:
OBR RaiseYuh Voice Jamaica 🇯🇲
Afia Walking Tree
We have been in such a gorgeous space during these 16 days of activism and as I write seeds are bursting through the earth and intentions are germinating forth into the violent-free protected sovereign harmonious regenerative world we desire.
On Nov 28 we launched our Rising Gardens at our OBR Raise Yuh Voice Jamaica Solidarity Farm where we raised our vibrations to Eliminate the myriad of oppressive practices and violence by composting and cauldroning with women.  Our event had 7 women strong on site and 128 people watching live online https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIJk3zgHTuC/?igshid=15s9smdepgf7o
We discussed the impacts of trauma on the body and how we shift from trauma to finding means of safety, protection, calm, organizing care that allows us to feel held to release and restore.  Each shared their story and what she/they wanted to release and tested their process as we built the composting space.
After composting and repurposing the food waste, grass, shavings etc, we watered the compost and allowed it to be laid to rest and transform with time, water, sun, and care— all metaphors for healing trauma.
We then turned to the bed next to the pile and planted the seeds, the intentions we desire to grow from that which we released into the earth.
Some of the finished compost from another pile at another place in the garden  was used to reinforce and feed the seeds and our new intentions.  Everyone held their broccoli or kale seeds and together we chanted out loud – broadcasting our intentions and with hands in the earth.  Our seeds were  watered and sung over.
Within two days, many of the seeds arrived into the world ready to live into our intentions.
We are rising with seeds of sustainability
We are rising into resiliency
Rising with the fires of freedom
We burned Moringa that was pruned and transformed our trauma into treasures.  The ashes from this fire fed the seeds we planted serving as nutrients and protection from invading insects; and for us, this fire nourished and cleansed us.
After our time in the earth, our hearts were opened up and in our closing Cirlce everyone shared their transformations.  Laughter, food, sampling Afia’s Raw  Immunity Juices and Mommys honey pot, we all felt quite at home in ourselves.
We are so grateful for VDAYOBR.  Our Harvest is in a large part due to your consistent anchoring of our vision.  With V-Day’s financial and organizational care we have been able to reach over 500 vulnerable women elders LGBTQ folks, and children in Kingston, St. Mary, Portland, St. Catherine,  St. Thomas, through our farm and emotional services during the pandemic.  During the 16 days of activism we reached over 250.
Today we are celebrating 9 months of sharing the abundance of clean organic produce to our community from our Kingston and soon to be home in St. Mary where we have sights on Lucky Hill land.
Here’s our harvest menu.
Solidarity Farm has become the center of our supporting survivors where share and feed over 200 weekly with over 400 lbs of food weekly.
Verona tends to our farm stand!  Open to our community Thursday’s to Saturday’s for pick up and deliveries!
This is how we are cauldron in the liberation and transformation we seek.
We love OBR
We love VDAY
We love Rising alongside all of our communities across the world!