It is not about women winning over men. It is not about men switching roles with us and having a taste of their own medicine. It is about anyone, man, woman, genderqueer, agender, etc. to understand to the fullest extent what it means to be a feminist. It is not about sexualizing men, beating them, raping them, or treating them like they do women. It is about having equal opportunity and equal rights in this country and anywhere in the world where misogyny rules. Because sexism doesn’t just hurt women; it hurts men, too, and anyone in between or non-conforming. It builds restricting standards for what it is to be a man or woman, or the gender binary. Masculinity for men or else they’re inferior and more like a woman if they even act remotely feminine. Femininity for women or else they’re trying too hard to be men and they should “stay in their place”. This is more than just name-calling and stereotyping. It is oppression against women overall – lower wages, little to no reproductive rights, their sexualization, their marginalization. And it affects everyone.
Justice is about intersectionality, the inclusion of everyone in feminism. It doesn’t leave out men, people of color, culturally or ethnically diverse people, or any of the LGBTQA community. It gives voice to the voiceless. It changes laws for the better of people, not just the majority. It is not about having privilege over the privileged, or twisting the laws to accommodate the small percentage of people. It is about the greater good. It is about truth. It is about uniting. And together we stand, together we fight.