Justice to me is where regardless of what Country, State, City, or small town in which one resides EVERYONE is treated with LOVE, KINDNESS & RESPECT!!! In this world we are all human beings. This essentially means that we are all the same in SOME ASPECTS OF OUR BEING. The aspect in which I am referring to includes our Emotions & how we would like to be treated. The way I look at it is like this: I want to be treated just like any one else would. With kindness. I want to be loved. To feel loved. I want to be needed & to need in return. People have feelings the same as any other person. And just because something that is SAID, WRITTEN OR HEARD doesn’t hurt you doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt someone else. I always try to remember the GOLDEN RULE: DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. How I interpret that rule of treating others is like this: if it would hurt me then it would probably hurt the next person. Would I want someone saying that to me, doing that to me, or telling that rumor about me??? WWJD??? PUT YOURSELF IN THAT PERSON’S SHOES. Then decide if you should say it, do it or spread it. It’s that simple! We all, as human beings desire the same basic needs emotinally. Just love one another. We are all God’s creations. He loves you can you love another? Be kind & considerate of your fellow brothers & sisters. DON’T BULLY!!! NO ONE LIKES A BULLY!