My Intentions are to share my Truth, my gathered wisdom , my souls yearning, my hearts desires, me all of me I know now.. right now
I dream for every born child from every corner of Mother Earth to be protected, safe, never in jeopardy of the Predators that are here. They are here. They are everywhere. It is our job to Protect and bring Awareness. Now. There is no time to waste.
I am willing to share the fears and torment that engulfed my Body,mind and soul since I was a very Young Girl. With constant miracles I am alive, brave, empowered, graceful. I have Integrity, Strength ,Wisdom and the Compassion and Understsnding to know I am not the hurts and wounds. I am not the little girl Who was told She was bad, flawed, and a liar.
Yet, she appears in my everyday, she creeps in when I hear a certain tone in even a strangers voice. When someone gives me a compliment. When a gentle kind and loving Man puts his hand on my back. When Im pulled in for a kiss. The very kiss I waited my whole life for. when Im in my Power, Strength and Grace! she can appear at any moment. “Breathe ., You are Safe, You are Whole, You are a Graceful Powerful Woman, be you, Your true Self.”
I am the grown woman who now knows that not being believed when an Uncle chose to touch me. Tell me it was our secret. If I told anyone ,he would hurt my little Sister. He took me in the dark corners of a basement. Made fun of my body. Made me quiet with a hand over my mouth. opened his pants forced my face down to his lower parts. Pushed me, pulled me, totured me. Put his fingers in my little girl private places. Made me cry, had me feel I was broken, bad and ugly.Time and time again.
That was it, that was the beginning of a very long and scary road. Insecurities and horrors took over my Beautiful little Girl . I found ways of coping pretending I was someone else. i was a talented Dancer, performer. I was told I was special and gifted and could achieve greatest. I heard your not thin enough, your turnouts not right, your not believeable.
Then, I discovered Alcohol and Drugs could numb those pains. My Journey with Alcohol and Drugs, led me to abusive relationships, dangerous situations, rapes and Soul Harm that became an imprint of who I was. As a result , the self-hatred and lack of self worth led to wanting to die. Leave this earth , not feel anything anymore.
There is so much more to my story but this is the pattern. The pattern that engulfs our lives when the abuse has become so imbedded the world feels like its out of reach. The laughter and good times feel as though they will never be again. We are worthless. unworthy, unlovable and dont belong.
Some of us survive and prosper. Others linger in the shadows, and many of us do die.
We not to stop this now, we need a Revolution!!!!
We need to teach the Young, Innocent Beautiful children of today not tomorrow.
I will tell, and tell and tell until I’am heard. do not touch me. I will tell and tell and tell until I am heard.
This is a Revolution.