Women need to be able to exist in a society, where the likelihood of getting raped and/or abused is the exception not the norm. Women should not be persecuted based on sexual orientation or religious affiliations. we have the right to be exactly who and we are. this begins with self esteem and self worth, that gives us the capacity to enforce what is rightfully ours to claim – FREEDOM.
FREEDOM from discrimination in any way/shape or form.
FREEDOM from religious/traditional/cultural practices that are found demeaning in any way
FREEDOM to chose a partner of their choice
FREEDOM to live the way they chose to live.
Due to the degenerating society we live in , strong moral practices are becoming scarce, this could be due to many reasons, abused people become abusers , an absent father/mother ,socio -economic issues etc, the list is endless.
but when women know their worth and value, they are filled with the courage to SAY NO!!!
NO to any form of injustice against them, and then once you have that courage , you begin empowering other women, b y sharing your story and encouraging other women to be all they want to be. WE START PRODUCING STRONGER WOMEN that have the ability to stand up for themselves and others and not to accept abuse of any kind. WOMEN need to understand they have choices, and more importantly the right to make those choices.
EDUCATION on what to do when this happens, is a crucial part in rehabilitating victims,
BUT LETS LOOK AT PRODUCING VICTORS, by educating women and equipping them with the life skills necessary to be independent , developing strong character – that begins at home , so when they enter this world – they are ready! that way we cultivate ZERO TOLERANCE for abuse we limit the number of potential victims.
what are you doing? are you teaching your sisters and daughters that they have the right to SAY NO!!!??? too many women leave this to the school system- IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! FIRST AS A PARENT AND THEN AS A WOMEN. You are accountable for the other women in your life. Don’t turn a BLIND EYE to the bruises , THE BROKEN ARMS AND NOSES and DEPRESSION you see in their eyes. GET INVOLVED!!!
get your hands dirty!!! show empathy and practice understanding.
it starts with YOU!!!