Because I have met and bonded with Domestic Violence Survivors (friends, family, strangers) I will post this. I am a survivor myself so I know firsthand what being a victim is like. I am a SURVIVOR!!! This video is about women who are Domestic Violence Survivors. Through this public service announcement, is trying to spread the word to the public about Domestic Violence. Victims are portrayed in this video. Dance is used to convey the message; there are survivors and you can overcome domestic violence. It is captivating to see these women rise up from this vicious cycle of abuse. Different cultures, religious dogma, and different belief systems all play some part in this. It is irrelevant. Any form of violence is a transgression against not only the victim but against humanity as well. People need to stop being oblivious and apathetic to their surroundings and occurrences. It happens on a daily basis all over the world. Please take a look at this video, visit the site. Women are not objects, property, weak… We are beautiful, strong, motivated… Dedicated and devoted mothers, sisters, wives, daughters…Abuse is ABUSE!!!