My Revolution…Swirls in Stories, Circles and Sisterhood.
We have an amazing sisterhood in Liverpool, UK: painters and writers, chanters, singers and choirs, home-makers, academics, photographers and dancers, facilitators, educators and business leaders who all inspire, support and celebrate one another. Many of these women are part of our Gather the Women circle.
Gather the Women is a global sisterhood that connects women through circles. I am a Regional Co-coordinator of the Gather the Women Liverpool, UK circle. We gather together to create a safe space to explore our feelings, experiences and ideas about a different theme each month. Facilitation is rotated and each woman speaks in turn without interruption. In this sacred space I have healed deep wounds once held in my heart and spirit which were inflicted upon me in violence. In my circle of sisters I remembered who I am. In my circle of sisters I reclaimed my voice.
Now, I write.
I write from a woman’s perspective about women’s’ experiences because our lives matter. Our lives inspire. Our lives create. Our lives birth. Our lives nurture. Our lives teach. Our lives soothe the wounds of others: men, women and children, land, sea, sky and beast. Our lives are a sentence in the grand story being told of all women throughout the ages and for all the ages still to come. Where will our story lead? The way we choose to live our lives will decide. I choose to weave stories as an agent of social change. Listening to women’s stories in circle is activism. Speaking our truth in circle is activism. Living our heart’s desires is activism. Consciously creating our lives is activism. Representing women’s lives in writing is activism. I write stories for women to reassure them that they are not alone, to inspire them to reach out to their sisters and maybe even to start circles of their own. My revolution swirls in stories, circles and sisterhood.