Revolution begins when we as women rediscover and remember who we are. Not the (I)dentity we’ve been given. Daughter, sister, auntie, wife, mother, teacher, employee, NO. Revolution is when we stand up, “unthreatened, unafraid and unstoppable” and declare, “This is ME and I will live, thrive and excel from this place!”
Revolution is setting the intention to make a change regardless if we or “they” deem it big or small, it doesn’t matter. Revolution is telling the truth all the time. Revolution is tearing down the walls of inequality, injustice, all of the “isms”, the disconnection from Creation and most importantly ourselves. Revolution is no longer accepting the status quo, being told what is “normal” or being told who and what to be, and how to be it, when and where to be it.
Revolution is accepting our bodies just as they are, the physical manifestation of the Divine and too, living from this place. Revolution is saying no and meaning it, without guilt, shame, blame. Revolution is saying yes and meaning it without the same “labels/feelings”. Revolution is looking at ourselves in the mirror and no longer being afraid of what we will see.
Revolution is standing up against the fathers, the brothers, dates, boyfriends, husbands, strangers, who have assaulted, molested, raped and violated us and demanding that it ends. Revolution is breaking the false illusions of patriarchy. Revolution is honoring our voices, our inner voice and our body’s voice. Revolution is becoming one with our moon cycles and appreciating her for who and what she is. She is our life line to the Mother and to our unborn children.
Revolution is honoring our sacredness, our tenderness, our gentleness. Revolution is honoring our sensuousness, our sexuality and being alive in them. Revolution is being responsible and accountable and holding those who claim “authority” to do the same. Revolution is changing the way society views girls and women. Revolution is claiming our rightful place and not budging.
Revolution is creating conscious beings as an extension of ourselves and remembering just that. Revolution is allowing them the freedom to be who and what they came here to be.
Revolution begins when we as women rediscover and remember who we are, daughters of the Earth in other words, LOVE!!!!