My revolution is about remembrance
I do not forget the past
I hold the bitter taste
In my soul
So I remember
What it felt like to be wronged
So I don’t let it happen again
I use the past as a weapon
A protection for the future
Armour for the present
I Remember
Those who have come before me
Those who were silenced before me
I Remember that they did not stop
They yelled through the silence
They fought through the pain
When I want to give up
When I want to stop
I Remember
That I cannot
I can take time to breathe
Time to heal
But I cannot runaway
It is not in me to let
The opressor roam free
I must Remember
Those who came before me
Without them I would have no platform
My Revolution is
That I do not forget
My struggles when things look better
That I do not forget that till systems
Are broken others will struggle
And maybe so will I
I Remember so I don’t forget
Why I joined the Revolution
Why I don’t stop fighting
Why I can’t stop fighting
I Remember
The pain I felt
The pain I saw
I Remember
I won’t stop remembering
Till one day others don’t
Have to remember