When I was a little girl I was molested by one of my mom’s family friends’ sons. As I child I used to always go to this family friends house and play with her daughter who’s name will remain anonymous. We were great friends and I always loved coming over because she had the best games to play. One day during a holiday party at their house all of the children decided to go play in one of the empty rooms and watch cartoons. I eagerly joined along since I was very familiar with the house and always felt comfortable there. I remember everything being normal and everyone was just playing around and being loud as most kids do but I felt the young girls oldest brother starring at me. It made me feel really uncomfortable but I quickly brushed it off. Suddenly I remember all of the kids leaving the room and only one of the toddlers from the party, myself, and the oldest brother were the only ones in the room. I immediately felt two hands grab me and push me down to the bed and the next thing I knew, he was on top of me with all of his weight pushing down on me. This kid was in middle school at the time and I was a puny little elementary kid just starting 4th grade. I remember trying to fight back with as much of my strength as I could but it was of no use. He had such a grip on me that everything I did to fight back almost didn’t faze him. He tried leaning over to kiss me on my lips but I would move my head side to side to dodge every attempt he was making. He kissed my neck several times as I tried fighting back and screaming no. Unfortunately no one else could hear because of the loud music in the other room and the small toddler didn’t know what was going on. His attention was strictly on the cartoon playing in the background. I felt hopeless. Time almost felt as if it was frozen. What was only a few seconds to the world appeared to me as if an eternity but I didn’t give up. As small as my body was, I kept on fighting and squirming. Suddenly the group of kids that had initially joined us came back in and I was released from his clutch. I immediately took the opportunity and ran as fast as I could away from the boy and to my mom. She looked at me and asked me if I was ok. I wanted to scream NO MOMMY! HE TRIED TO HURT ME! But in the end, not one word came out of my mouth. I was scared. I didn’t want to make a scene. I just wanted to be as far away from that house as possible. I no longer felt safe there. I just wanted to leave. I asked my mom if we could leave because I didn’t feel good. I told her that my stomach was hurting. She said good bye to her friends and we were soon on our way home. I never went back in to that house and I never told my mother that story. At this time I feel like what’s the point. This happened over 17 years ago. I just feel like it’s useless now. Besides, I wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship she has with her friend. But I won’t lie. I have seen the boy (now a man) around town several time. Ive always tried never looking into his eyes and would try avoiding him if I ever spotted him anywhere. I never spoke to him or every knowledged him. I would just try to block him from my sight. He was always able to give me chills and make me extremely uncomfortable. I tried to never be in the same room as him and always made sure that another adult was with me in case we ever were. He had such power of fright over me. I felt powerless around him. Even years later I still feel like that little puny girl if ever running in to him. To this day, I am still that little girl scared and now scared. My view on boys and men changed for me after that. I’ve gotten passed it all now. I no longer am scared or hold a grudge. I now make sure that I remember that i may have a scar in my life but it will no longer define me. It does not make me a victim. It only makes me stronger and helps motivate me to make sure that I help the next generation never let this happen to them. This is why I stand and support vday. I hope you will too.