In a perfect world, women would be equal. Women would be respected. Women would be safe.
In a perfect world, the bigger and the stronger wouldn’t prey on the weak and vulnerable- they would protect them. But women aren’t the weak and vulnerable.
We are the strong and the brave. We are the intelligent and the resourceful. We are the resilient and the compassionate.
I pray that I will see my sons raise women up instead of putting them down. I will teach them that. And I will teach them to break the cycle.
I have felt scared of men, and I have been hurt by men. Purely because I am a woman, and they thought they could control me. But I found my strength- I found my strength in a little man- my oldest son. And I found my strength in other women who taught me that I have the power. I found my strength in a community that wants change- that NEEDS change.
And we as women, need to empower each other. The men who care about us need to be a part of the revolution. The world needs to change. Society needs to change.
And the only way it can happen is if we all demand if. If we use our intelligence, our talents, our voices. I believe that my daughter can be safe, respected, and safe. I believe we can end violence again women. For our moms, our sisters, our daughters, our loves.