I would like the movement to consider this. The beginning of violence against women did not begin with female women and girls. It began 10,000 years ago with the herding culture. When it was agreed between men at that time that a cow’s milk was not for her baby, but was being delivered as ‘a commodity’ and from there, the suckling of baby cows was no longer a natural process in the life of the dairy cow and her baby. Since that day and those days – we have gone from (a few years ago) having something like 7 lbs of cheese per person per year – and having that stolen baby cows milk (which was – 10,000 years ago the natural right of that mother and the natural right of that baby) – to believing it is OUR RIGHT to now eat 30 pounds of cheese per person. The mother cow is put on the rape rack, artificially inseminated, her baby stolen from her at the moment of birth – the mother and the baby cry for each other for days on end while that precious milk is given to the human for consumption. We are the ONLY SPECIES who continue to drink milk after we are weaned. This is barbaric. Women who participate in this horror for mother and child are not feminist. This is barbarism of the WORST KIND. Women we must take a look at THE ROOT OF OUR OWN OPPRESSION. As we oppress another species and their babies – we cannot liberate ourselves while we enslave others. We must stop consuming milk and dairy and go Vegan. Veganism – it is a FEMINIST ISSUE. Read ‘The World Peace Diet’ by Will Tuttle and Please Get Informed on this issue. Thank You.