As a 19 year old actress living and working in London, I have in the last year and a half, woken up to an enlightened vision of the world I am part of. What I read or see in the news, what I observe in my daily life doesn’t seem to resonate inside me. Suddenly, I couldn’t recognise the world I lived in and subsequently the one I was part of. The structure and the beliefs systems that dictate our lives weren’t matching my ideas of what humanity is, what life fundamentally is about. Moreover, I feel like we are blinded and sent in a way that is destructive of any human realisation, that we are educated (not to say “programmed”) to unconsciously silence our creativity, our individuality, our true resources and our inner voice. My voice doesn’t recognise itself in any of the decision made above for our world, for our planet, for us. This brought immense loneliness into my life. What do you do when you are profoundly in disagreement with the whole infrastructure (on every front -whether it is education, finance, politics, social welfare..) of our civilisation ? It is this gap between the times we live in, one of globalisation, planetary interconnectedness, digital revolution, and this outdated infrastructure that create injustice and inconsistencies. I believe it is the profound social problem the 21st century is facing. Today, justice seems to my young eyes completely inexistent and oblivious. Injustices are everywhere, locally as globally. Racial, gender-based, social, religious, financial, educational.. My utopist mind sees a world where justice promotes and celebrates culture differences. Where justice is a true balance, devoid of any corruption and egoistic personal greed. It is ludicrous and old fashioned to me that women are still facing major injustices. How would I even want to live in an environment as such? How hard is it to ask ourselves if what we are doing is right? I believe in the celebration of differences, in how every logic of mind, every different background, conditioning has an immense value and richness for the individual as well as for the collective. There has to be a fundamental change in our approach to life and to humankind. I feel we have to collectively reset our values and reassess what our lives profoundly mean and be brave enough to take action. I am a young voice in existential distress and despair. And we are plenty, just waiting to be heard and taken into account.