The work that we have all done in this movement, the movement to end violence against women and girls has been an inspiring one. I have witnessed the work of my sisters in this movement and the men who have also decided to take this mission on. We have witnessed the expansion of services in the agency serving survivors of sexual and domestic violence where I have worked since graduating from college. We have witnessed the growing ownership the community has taken in helping address this big social problem. But, most importantly, we have witnessed, firsthand, how the survivors we so relentlessly serve at my work place, have stood up many times with nothing more than the hope in their hearts to ensure that the cycle of violence stops with their children and/or with them. We have been more than inspired with the vision of those that have been stripped of everything, except their determination to keep going. It continues to be an inspiration and an honor to hear of the many valiant stories of those affected by atrocious violence and they decide to rise and not only help themselves, but others. We rise because rising is what we have left, what keeps us going, what gives us strength. We rise for reVolution because as unstoppable beings, we demand an end to the senseless violence.!