About The Event
V-day 1 Billion women rise to stop violence against women, girls and children
Event Date: 13 February 2014 so more people can attend.
Door opens 7pm Start of the Event 8pm
Drinks and Nibbles will be available - all proceedings will go to the charity.
RISE, RELEASE, and DANCE to demand justice and end impunity! Visit onebillionrising.org for more info.
To end violence against women and girls worldwide.
We say: We refuse to stand by as more than one billion women experience violence on the planet. Everyone of us one of one billion, and on 02.14.14 - in our case - 13 February, We are rising for justice.
We will rise and we will dance! On 13 February we will start the night by watching the short documentary, launched at SunDance film Festival this year. Then everyone who likes dancing or not will learn the choreography and be part of a video which we will record that night! We at HUB Islington V-Day event would like to try to be the first from the UK to upload a video on 1billionrise.org
Company Overview
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sex slavery.
Through V-Day campaigns, local volunteers and college students produce annual benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues, A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer, Any One Of Us: Words From Prison, screenings of V-Day's documentary Until The Violence Stops, and the PBS documentary What I Want My Words To Do To You, Spotlight Teach-Ins and V-Men workshops, to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups within their own communities. In 2012, over 5,800 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the worl
About The Organization
HUB Islington is
We believe a better world is created through the combined accomplishments of creative, committed and compassionate individuals focused on a common purpose. Combining the services of a shared office space, an events space, and an active network; Impact Hub Islington is a home for people who believe that business should have a purpose beyond profit, providing social and environmental impact.
TUK TAM is an NGO based in Bulgaria aiming to unite Bulgarians around the world who study and work abroad who want to contribute something to their home-country - Bulgaria. The main purpose of TUK TAM is to create a pro-active social and information network for its members so that people can share their experience, develop common interests and make things happen for social causes we all believe in.
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