Equality is Dope is a campus organization devoted to ending sexual violence. We envision a world of empowering experiences through a sex-positve feminist reshaping of strict social scripts. We have created a program that employs the theory of sex-positivity to educate students to become peer educators. While speakers on sexual health are beneficial, using peer educators is a more sustainable way of engaging learners consistently. Education, especially around sexual health has become hierarchal and information is limited to the privileged. To dismantle this system we must expand the conversation about sexual identity into everyday life. This is an ambitious goal because American society has associated sexuality with shame to the extent that healthy discussion is stigmatized and shame has become the expectation of our sexual experiences. Identity takes a backseat to fulfilling culturally defined roles that are sexist, racist and classist. Critiques of this system have found that these narratives have limited exploration of self, perpetuated a culture of inequality and caused effects far wider than bad sex.
By engaging students in a fun way we plan on getting our campus excited about feminism.