The Seaside Sisters Women’s Ministry is committed to supporting women as they access their capacity to nurture themselves. We are dedicated to providing resources that empower women as they discover their unique contributions and step into their personal power and leadership.
We believe that as we join together in a collective resonance and step into the opportunity to appreciate and honor ourselves, what is generated is a capacity for enhanced health, as well as a wholeness and vitality for ourselves, our environment, and the planet.
MISSION: To come together in Universal Consciousness, midwifing each other’s vision and passion for environmental restoration. We awaken awareness, champion inspired actions, and honor evolutionary contributions while joyously celebrating our journey.
VISION: Seaside Sisters Women’s Ministry is committed to empowering women. We align with Spirit in sacred service; standing for personal and global transformation by nurturing self, awakening humanities’ reverence and restoring our earth.
TAG LINE: A new and growing sisterhood of women are awakening to their power to transform the world.
Change agent and sacred activist, Kalli Holmes Sorensen is committed to being a creative catalyst for change in the face of growing climate and social challenges.
As a mother, mentor and model for others, her work is an integral part of the global movement focused on bringing forth a new story by taking a stand for a sustainable, just and fulfilling future. She deeply believes that an awakened reverence for our Earth will activate evolutionary change.
She is an inspirational speaker, international retreat facilitator, and has both founded and organized women's groups, including Seaside Center for Spiritual Living's Seaside Sisters, for over thirty years.
Impassioned about the feminine journey toward personal and global transformation, she is honored to be in spiritual leadership with a new and growing sisterhood of women whom are awakening in their power to transform the world.