1 Billion Rising Events

ONE BILLION RISING: Starts with the youth!

United States > San Leandro > ANYWHERE, not just one city > 2014-02-14 > 00:00

About The Event

I encourage every student to raise awareness about the gender violence that goes around in the world. As many as one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or abused in some other way – most often by someone she knows, including by her husband or another male family member. Gender-based violence Kills & Disables as many women, aged 15-44, as cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined. 1 billion women will be victims of violence in their lifetime. For more statistics: http://www.care.org/work/womens-empowerment/violence-against-women?autologin=true&s_src=Voices-Against-Violence&s_subsrc=redcpcgg_VAW&cr=StandAgainst_1of3&gclid=CM7JpsfRyLwCFU5efgodsG8AYg The youth is the next generation that have to deal with these issues. They happen everywhere, to anyone, not just women. Gender violence should not be tolerated. Rise up and speak out! I challenge you to: -WEAR RED AND/OR PINK -DANCE, arrange a dance time at your school!; learn the "BREAK THE CHAIN" CHOREOGRAPHY -TELL PEOPLE; RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT GENDER VIOLENCE -Protest with love. Show that you care. If you believe in social justice, don't let this social injustice continue by without noise. This is an event that can happen anywhere. Raising awareness can happen anywhere.

About The Organizer


I was recently inspired by my mentor(J.C.) to take gender violence more seriously. Valentine's day has always been about love, so this event is perfect for VDAY. I think it's amazing how so many people can congregate and comfort those who have been abused. There is also an aura of celebrating life. I'm just looking to make small changes at a time. Big things start with small beginnings.

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