1 Billion Rising Events

One billion rising – Flash mob Rotherham

United Kingdom > Rotherham > Rotherham > 2016-02-13 > 12:30 pm

About The Event

On Saturday 13th February residents of Rotherham will rise through song and dance and be heard....we shall rise and say NO MORE VIOLENCE! We will unite through song and dance to the traditional song 'Break the Chain'. We will also have speeches and poems read from local people dedicated to the cause #OneBillionRising. We will also demonstrate a diverse range of cultural celebrations through dance and music/drumming.

About The Organization


RotherFed believes that Rotherham needs strong communities. We support communities to grow and develop, working with them to build their sense of belonging, community pride and spirit. We work with and through a grass roots community groups that are committed to bringing communities together, giving all communities a voice and creating local solutions to local issues.
RotherFed are supporting local people raise awareness in Rotherham for #onebillionrising!

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