I was born and raised in the island of Florianopolis, Brazil where homeopathy and acupuncture were instilled in me since I was very little. Growing up, my siblings and I rarely received antibiotics or other prescription medications. I learned from a young age to trust the body and that my symptoms were a sign of my body’s wisdom, not a sign of its breakdown. As I grew older, my passion for healing continued and I pursued the study of “Naturologia". In college, I learned how to treat patients using massage, reflexology, hydrotherapy, Bach flowers and many other powerful natural therapies. After graduation in 2004, I moved to the United States and obtained my license to practice massage therapy and ultimately earned my Masters in acupuncture from The Tai Sophia Institute in Maryland.
I am the co-founder of BlueGreen Acupuncture & Bodywork in Baltimore where I now have my clinical practice and treat many individuals with Acupuncture, Massage, Wellness coaching and more. When I treat, I get to observe more closely patterns that are common to many of us. Many people see their body as something separate from themselves; a body that can be “fixed” as opposed to a body that yearns to be listened to, cared for and tended. That’s when I thought that Nia would be a perfect fit for everything else that I have already been doing. It gracefully combines energetic and physical movement in the body, mind & spirit, allowing each person to connect deeper with their bodies and start learning from each symptom. With Nia, no one thing or person ‘heals you’, you get to heal yourself!