About The Event
Jumuiya Women Group (JWG) has established the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Network, North Rift chapter whose members comprise of activists and practitioners committed to preventing gender based violence in the region. Membership is composed of more than 25 grassroots women groups which are actively contributing to helping the Network reach our objectives. JWG is acting as the Regional Coordinating Institution ( RCI) of the network in the North rift region, with its base in Eldoret, KENYA.
The GBV Network is planning to organise the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence between 25th November – 10th December 2016, as part of the international campaign to address the plight of women.
Our network believes in the need for more political commitment at the highest level but also at grassroots level to help bring about the social and legal changes needed to better support women and girls. Secondly, only a dedicated, more inclusive approach involving broad partnerships with governments, local communities, and the media can help bring about such changes.
So as part of the 16 days campaign, the North Rift GBV prevention network will undertake the following major activities:
1. print and distribute 3 full colour posters calling for commitment from everyone to prevent GBV;
2. Up to 2000 “Prevent Violence Against Women” purple ribbons
About The Organization
Jumuiya Women Group (JWG) has established the Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Network, North Rift whose members comprise of activists and practitioners committed to preventing gender based violence in the region. Membership is composed of more than 25 grassroots women groups which are actively contributing to helping the Network reach our objectives.
Our vision and objectives:
The GBV Prevention Network, North Rift, seeks to become a vibrant space in the region for innovation, expertise, experience and exchange on GBV prevention.
Our network aims to achieve four very specific objectives.
1. To provide member organizations with relevant information about and access to resources on violence prevention;
2. To build solidarity between organizations working on violence;
3. To strengthen capacity of members on critical issues and methodologies; and,
4. To advocate for increased interest and investment for gender-based violence prevention in the regions.
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