I have hope that you can push to side this time around in guarding to Valentine Day but
Rosario Dawson at One Billion Rising NYC
As Emma Watson Speech for HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Program at World Economic Forum 2015 and said and Rosario Dawson said this national surviving blow out in America and Emma Watson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE28bb11GQs and what she said UN Speech its rings through about innocent with no voices from Disability to Children of tomorrow who are living adjusting period for them to grow up with. I urgent members of this Rosario Dawson and Martin Kings asks you all to come together being answer by making stands for those who aren’t with caused than violent done to them from Slow Learner, Late Bloomer, Bullies to Raping and handing them to trafficking innocent who does wearing love or caring on their sleeves innocently because their heart math are in the right places to changing our worlds by them admitted their vibe chemistry to bring the harmony throughout our mother earth and the understanding the Law Attraction.
Emma Watson is addressing to those who has heart math matter being push aside and misunderstood gotten by those who was meant for not us being with the 21 type person did knew them while you and metro gender somehow are not to meet up nor dealing with them nor associate with them too. They will not completely essence be compatible to accepted us with. We called unintentional to leading them from bullies to raping them or hands them over trafficking or abuses them in teasing, bullies them or doing opposite of Emma Watson asked us to treating people or couple with.
After this One Billion Rising, Girl Rising, He for She movement won’t be stopping there. I can see us to taken what’s digital world to be making into positive ones. It is to have meeting up with all Heart Math people alike to creating permanent changes by having throughout Los Angeles to San Fernando Valley and elsewhere. Is upsizing space s as in using community room in the mall or school or college to do exchange thought to come to collective? Doing Community Action in addition with Emma Watson said by 10 by 10 x?
1. Recyclable Foods
2. Fund Rising to helps the caused in support “Community Room” Cost if any’
3. Do we community meet up who do need to better role model?
4. Plenty people individual to connecting with forming placing the One Billion Rising, Girl Rising, He For She members to works in Action Community Tribe Town and City within Cities Church to club scotty.
5. Taylor and Arianna Grande and Rihanna will have their groups its can be like us and bring medical support supply under “Peace One Day” movement.
In closing,
I am writing why some of us relational girly in not connecting to people who has already got you in mind with their type you too because we forgotten those 21 type wasn’t supposed for us we knew this during wondering to gold days haws they them upset us and not essences accepting us in action and words and they are living in Heart Math and Living from the heart by Teal Swanson.