In my life I have struggled with my femininity since the fifth grade. That year I got my period and a new nick name, Marie Casstuffer. It was a pun that mixed my name with stuffing as people would say I stuffed my bra. I was stared at by men of all ages, forced to feel uncomfortable. Being bombarded with sex I felt forced to just go with it. I have put my self in extremely sexually threatening positions and forced my self to think I was crazy to be scared. Well I have said no and it not been heard. I was made to think I was wrong. Married at 19 my husband would say you can not rape your wife, he had some right to me. Thankfully now I have become strong enough to leave my husband and all men who abuse women behind. It is not fair that women have to worry about being raped by men. I will work towards a future were women do not have to be scared.