Justice for me, a man is : When my wife, my sisters, my daughter and my grand-daughter can walk to the market in any town, and not have to be concerned about need to protect themselves from verbal or physical violence,or even violence of thought, because they are beautiful women.
Justice for me , a man would be: When the women I love, does not have to accept economic discrimination in their pay checks, their medical care, their education, but when they are respected for their unique perspective, and their precious viewpoint, and they are honored for their loving presence.
We men are so fortunate to have women in our lives. Their love gives us the very essential nurturing we need to survive. Without women in our lives, we would not have living examples of compassion in our individual lives. Love, thy name is woman.
Justice would be to honor each and every woman, as the carrier of the precious quality of being of the precious life force for each of us.