Aloha Dear Relatives, Dear COME-UNITY, Welcome. We are all related. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin. So what I want for myself and my children, I also want for you and your children. I understand we share our home. All of us want the same for those we love. Let this love be our guide. Together we tend this fire of LOVE here now, together we build it, and together we keep it going. Thank you, each and every one of you for all you do tending this sacred heart fire!!!
Living in my heart is a dream, of revolution for all creatures, I see this return of harmony and peace FOR ALL reigning on this planet, this is the same vision felt and lived and yearned for by so many good hearts. A soul revolution of relationship, of connection, of awareness, of peace and A revolution of UNITY!! Asking now for the ho’oponopono to take place gently but quickly on all levels. A vision of women and men rising together, a vision of harmony and peace and transformation, a vision of human beings living in harmony with eachother and the planet. Inside us each of us lives the courage and the wisdom to do the right thing. I see one global family, rising together, all of us going through the same core life teachings but just with slightly different story, same equation different variables, together we are all learning and realizing in our own way we all NEED CLEAN WATER, for ourselves and for our children, the earth is our one home and our one mother. I have a vision of all the earth’s children smiling, In this vision I see how all their many shining full happy eyes are like sunlight brilliantly reflecting on the ocean.
And, I want to heal from what he did to me, even if I can forgive him, and I want him to heal too. I want you to heal from what he did to you, and you to heal from what she did to you. I want us all to be able to heal. We all need healing. I understand those in pain cause pain, I have compassionate understanding for it all, I have been there. Often we are unawares, or we unconsciously perpetuate the very cycles we want to end. Compassion Revolution. Empathy Revolution. Altruism Revolution. All are welcome at this table of LOVE and HEALING, UNITY AND EQUALITY, Come as you are, & together we will heal and feed eachother and the world
See this brilliant radiant vision of compassion and see how all these hardships can actually connect us more in the heart, they can and they must show us how to build more unity, & more understanding for others and for ourselves. Be gentle with your self and do unto others. Stand tall dear ones, for you are alive and you have come through every day so far! See the inextricable beauty within and around you. Let us focus on and create more beauty family. Let us learn from Nature and her perpetual ways, for our children’s children. I want this pain and suffering to end for all. Let’s compost our pain so we have the fertilized ground needed for the seeds of revolution we are planting together! Let our child heart guide us, remember the dreams living in your heart when you were a child, they are close to the source. Remember what you wanted befor they hurt you in their blinding pain. We are all one, let us build a blazing fire of compassion, of clear seeing and of understanding and let us rise together! So be it. and So it is!!!!!!!!
I have a vision of purification, and UNIFICATION. I want for every living sentient creature to have shelter, food, water and love. I want every living thing to experience true happiness to to feel the fullness of true gratitude daily. Let us delight in the glory of this divine garden. May it be so. So be it. And so it is! Ashe Namaste Aho Shanti Shanti Shanti OM