To me, justice is liberation. Wearing a bikini does not liberate a woman. Wearing a niqaab or burka does not liberate a woman. What liberates a woman is the CHOICE to do these things. What makes women valuable is the way they think, speak and make decisions for themselves. I think justice is when this can be recognised by not just men around the world, but women too. We need more and more people to realise the value women hold and how we should not be subjected to superficial attributes. Far too many women get abused in this world. I want a world where women can walk the streets without fear of being raped or beaten, a world where women can feel safe in their own homes and unafraid of men or society’s cruel judgements, a world where women can turn to each other rather than against each other. That’s what justice looks like to me. From when I was a little girl, up until just now I was always told what to do by the men in my life. I’ve let them dictate and rule and abuse me. I’ve grown up never making choices for myself. But now I want to say no, I say no because I want to decide for myself, I want to be able to feel secure, proud and confident in my decisions. I want every woman to be able to feel free, it’s a basic human right and it’s not fair that a lot of women feel like there is no escape. There is always a way, but I want to help others to look for their escape route because sometimes it’s not always easy to find. Everyone needs an emergency exit and it’s unjust so many women are cornered and backed up against a wall, suffocated by so many things. In every world, be it the first or the third, women are pressured into doing things they do not want to, nor feel comfortable with and right now the world is unjust. I feel like women must join together to support one another because at the end of the day we all need each other and it’s only fair we help others to stand rather than sit back and watch the women of the world fall.