There will never be peace on the planet until men and women treat each other with respect and integrity, as divine eternal souls of different genders, sharing equally in the beauty and bounty of this planet. In our various reincarnations, we have all been men and women of every race, religion and socioeconomic class. And for those of us who are men in this incarnation it is our duty to step up and stand up for the equality of all women around the world. We need to recognize and honor our commonalities and connection. The world will not change until we do our inner healing, until men get in touch with their Divine Feminine and learn to honor their feelings and nurture others, until women get in touch with their Divine Masculine, set healthy boundaries and not accept bad behavior from anyone. If we all can find and maintain the inner balance of our Divine Masculine and Feminine aspects, we can then raise our consciousness from a me to we orientation, and reclaim our divinity as brothers and sisters on this beautiful Earth.