As a survivor so far of violence against women who lives in fear everyday and with a medical condition from my experience, I pray for more awareness, education and prevention of this everywhere around the world. Many women suffer in silence. I pray for improvements in our court systems to protect victims better and ensure more positive outcomes and so that abuse is not allowed to continue via the system.. Girls and women need to know that they do not have to take it and that there’s help and that they have options before it’s too late. You should never be bullied into silence. Abusive men need to know the world is not going to stand for it any longer and we are watching you! Check yourself and get help. You do not have the right to abuse girls and women. Violence doesn’t solve anything, nothing good comes from it as per Martin Luther King Jr.
All women have the right to live in safety and dignity, free from threat, intimidation and violence – the Government of Ontario Domestic Violence Action Plan 2005