I rise for revolution for justice for women and children everywhere! I will rise against the injustice that our society places a higher value on money than on love and those that have money are able to silence the truth about abuse in it’s various forms. I rise for revolution in that we, as women, need to learn to be strong, not only for ourselves, but for our children and do whatever it takes to protect our children and ourselves from abuse and violence. Abuse comes in many different forms, we tend to solely think of physical, but emotional and verbal abuse tend to have longer lasting scars. We as a society need to come together and stop the abuse and violence and no longer allow ANYONE to get away with it. This is not about race, religion, sexual preference, or anything else that we allow to separate us as human beings. This is about love and doing what is right. This is about teaching our daughters and our sons to love themselves and know their strength and power.
Our entire system is setup to teach our young people to follow the herd and NOT to be special and unique. We need to learn to cherish what makes us each special and love ourselves and one another for the rainbow of possibility and talents around us. Dance, Sing, Drum and be proud of who you are and never let anyone steal that from you!