The U. S. has laws against assaulting and molesting women. But it still happens. We put rapists in jail. We shame them so badly that the rest of their lives are ruined. Yet new ones start up. High school students commit rape. And by the time these American laws are broken, it’s already to late. An innocent person has been scarred. This is not justice.
We all know what hate and disrespect for women looks like: it’s the trash talk , the dirty jokes, the creepy porn, the excuse that men can’t control their sex drive. Justice to me looks like a society where it would be as embarrassing for a guy to talk trash about any woman as it would be for him to wear a pink tutu to a boxing match or NASCAR race today.
Where Are You, Men?
We don’t rape and abuse ourselves, so we ultimately can’t fix gender crime. Women can raise their sons to respect all women, but it still is up to the men to police themselves and each other.
One in three, dude, one in three.
Your mother, your sister, your wife, your partner, your daughter, your niece: how can she really BE THERE for you if she’s a traumatized creature first? If you love her, then when she’s violated you’re violated too.
Guys, don’t just walk away the others with the trash-talk mentality. No one needs a self-righteous, smug man. BE a man. Stand up to it. Show that there really is a better way. That thinking like that about women is as unacceptable as rubbing poop all over yourself and going to work. That sexy guys aren’t the ones in the locker room comparing their penises and bragging about sex.