About The Event
We want to organize a flash mob on the steps of Palazzaccio of Rome, the Palace of Justice, which is located in Piazza Cavour, in the heart of the city.
The idea is to position ourselves in a triangle shape on the steps, with the tip of the top and the base at the bottom, a triangle formed by about 25 women. Each of these women will have red shoes and a red scarf, the scarf will be mass to cover the mouth, eyes, to tie the wrists of the hands. There will be silence. Then comes a young woman dressed in white, is a dancer who impersonates Justice and freedom the first woman who is on the right side of the base of the triangle. This woman will release its neighbor, And so on with a domino effect. Whenever a woman is freed up a billboard with a word. When even the last woman to be released will include a phrase consisting of the individual words of each. At the end shout together a slogan for justice for women. After this performance several women musicians begin a concert to dance and party all together. We will distribute a press release prior to television and newspapers. We will create an event like FB Difference Woman and put the event on our website www.differenzadonna.it.
A woman director will film the entire performance.
About The Organization
differenza donna
Differenza Donna born in 1989 as femminist association against violence against women. Now we manage 5 antiviolence shelters, 1 specialized on trafficking. We have a legal office with 12 lawyers (all women).
We managed international project in Palestine, Nicaragua, Russia, Kazakistan, and realized important research on domestic violence, assisted violence, social costs of gender violence. Each year we organize a training course for our new operators for 40 women. In this period we manage 3 national project funded by Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and one european on Prevention Trafficking in Human Beings gender sensitive.
For more information please see www.differenzadonna.org
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