I am Survivor, Mother, and Grandmother.
I am an advocate of awareness of gender violence and social justice issues.
I am the founder of Domestic Violence Voices on fb and G+. http://facebook.com/DomesticViolenceVoices
I am the radio show host of BEYOND WORDS LIVE!, a show desiged to allow the survivor to tell their own story in their own words. http://blogtalkradio.com/oralhistory
I am a social justice expert and author. http://facebook.com/KrastinSocialJustice
I am an authoer of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VOICES: CHOICES http://www.fastpencil.com/publications/6316-Domestic-Violence-Voices
I am an expert guest on Cafe Cinema, a television show designed to increase dialoues on a variety of social justice issues through the eyes of reviewing various international cinema films picked by the director. http://CafeCinema16.us or http://facebook.com/CafeCinema16 or @CafeCinema16.
Kathryn Krastin