NEWS was formed in 1981 when a group of community members realized there was no safe place for women and children to go when they were fleeing abuse at home. Volunteers had been taking battered women and their children into their own homes to protect them, and the need for a safe shelter was clear. Our founders worked in partnership with local leaders to acquire a house where women and children could find safety and support, and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.
Today NEWS has grown into a strong organization with a dedicated group of staff and volunteer domestic violence and sexual assault counselors, providing direct client services as well as shelter 24 hours a day/7 days a week, to approximately 1200 people each year. We work on prevention through education and outreach programs.
Support for NEWS comes from many sources. The largest portion of our funding comes from grants from federal, state, and local sources such as the Auction Napa Valley. Our community fundraising events make up part of our budget, and we depend on the generosity of individuals and community groups who support us in our mission.
The NEWS Board of Directors is a group of leaders from a wide cross-section of the Napa community, providing governance and support to help NEWS meet its mission. They give their time, talents, and support to keep NEWS going strong, always guided by the belief that everyone deserves a safe place to call home.